
  • What do you hope your composite image communicates to the viewer? What statement is your piece making about culture today?  Explain. Give reasons why you chose your images. 

I hope that my composite image communicates how influencers are celebrated more frequently than political leaders in today’s age, hence why I put a popular celebrity, my favorite YouTuber, over Napoleon, who was a political figure. The statement that my piece is making about culture today is that celebrities tend to become idolized by their followers – Grian is actually pretty humble about his popularity, but any influencer will get followers who want to be just like them. I chose to put Grian on Napoleon as it would be a funny reference to the game he plays, Minecraft, because horse-riding is a large part of the game.

  • What advice would you give to a person looking to create a composite image in Photoshop? Be specific.

Firstly, I would recommend the artist to use two pictures where the faces of the people are facing the same direction. I chose two photos that were facing in dramatically different directions, and it was hard to warp the face correctly to have them line up. Additionally, I would also tell the artist to make sure that their celebrity and their picture relate to each other and they aren’t making the image just for laughs.

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